Small House Construction

When it comes to small house construction what comes to your mind? What would your ideal house be like?

There are some interesting homes being built with little to no hook ups using…

  • Solar power
  • Composting toilets
  • Water collection systems
  • Recycling grey water to plants and garden

And as far as looks go... there are hundreds of different architectural designs to choose from.

Take the time to address the needs of your family and of course yourself.

Then design according to those needs. And keep this in mind...

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”
- General George Pope Morris

“You know you have perfection of design not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away.”
- Antoine de Saint Exupery

If this is your first time building it's a good idea to consult someone with experience who is genuinely interested in what you’re doing.

There are many factors to consider during the construction of a house…

  • Proper foundation
  • Meeting codes
  • Framing
  • Bracing
  • Sheathing
  • Beauty and design

And much more. Here are some wonderful homes that might spark some ideas for your own small house construction and design.

This log cabin is deep in the forest of Yoho National Park in British Columbia, Canada. Picture was taken by Cory Johnson.

This tiny guest cottage is in Naples, Florida. Simple and beautiful.

This one is by far the smallest house I've found and photographed myself. Even simpler... I wonder what the inside looks like!

For more ideas on small house construction, take a look at these building plans.